THIS DAY IN WW2 (18.2.40) The German battle cruisers Gneisenau, Scharnhorst and the pocket battleship Admiral Hipper make an unsuccessful sortie against the "HN" convoy route between Britain and Scandinavia as part of Operation Nordmark. German U-boats providing escort for the capital ships, however, sink 12 merchant ships and the British destroyer HMS Daring. A German infantry detachment, with heavy mortar support, makes an unsuccessful raid on a French outpost near the Moselle River. Japanese forces engaged in the city of Nanning are compelled withdraw after heavy fighting.
TODAY IN MY LIFE: Slept in until 0930 GMT - very unusual for me, I must have needed it. A mixture of domestic, shopping, and contemplation follows. May start on another blog article.
TODAY'S THOUGHT: The only antidote to fear is faith.
TODAY'S SELF-OBSERVATION: All my greatest blessings have simply turned up rather than being pulled in.
TODAY'S QUESTION FOR YOU: What is the greatest gift you can offer?
TODAY'S ONELINER: Toyota have discovered that their recent problems have been caused by one of their employees Quasimodo trying to create the Hatchback of Notre Dame : D
GARY'S DESERT ISLAND 100 Day 19: FOUNTAINS OF WAYNE - Little Red Light: Driving power-pop
TODAY'S NAME THAT TUNE: Now we live a life of ease, every one of us has all we need, sky of blue and see of green (1966)
TODAY'S AFFIRMATION: When I feel any anxiety I will trust completely in my Deepest Self to do what is right.
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