Sunday 2 January 2011

MONDAY 3rd JANUARY 2010 08:00 GMT

THIS DAY IN WW2 (3.1.1941)
In North Africa... The Allied force, renamed 13th Corps, has been increased by the arrival of the 6th Australian Division to replace the 4th Indian Division previously withdrawn to the Sudan. The new force leads the attack on Bardia which now begins. The 16th and 17th Brigades provide the assault units. They have considerable tank and artillery support. In addition three battleships of the Mediterranean Fleet also shell the Italian positions. The attack goes in against the west and southwest fortress and progress is very rapid. Around 30,000 prisoners are taken in the first 24 hours.
This is the last "slob day" before I really get on with 2011 in earnest. Other than cook the missus lunch, I have no plans at all, and will follow my instincts through the day.
Twitter Followers = 1007 (no change)
My sleep patterns suffer somewhat when there's no deadlines - you can have too much of a good thing. I expect the issue to sort itself out as I settle back into more regular routines tomorrow.
There is no substitute for faith - no one would get out of bed without it.
Are you studying to avoid the work the studying is supposed to prepare you for?
I'm an apathetic sociopath - I'd kill you if I could be bothered : D
A moment in the shade
If atheism just ran in families it would rapidly die out! Atheists have on average 1 or 2 children - not enough to sustain them. The religious however have on average 3-4 children, more than enough to inherit the Earth. Since there is a strong conviction in most religions that prolific reproduction is a virtue, the survival of religions are assured.
However, since belief is an idea, and can be picked up outside family influence, the survival of atheism is also assured, as by the law of averages some people's circumstances will inevitably cause them to override their genetic predisposition and embrace atheism. History supports this conclusion: atheists have always been present in society and are always in the minority, even when as under 20th Century Communist regimes it was the official belief.
Ideas, like genes, need to keep being passed on in order to survive, and like genes they can mutate, in a process called rationalisation - a new idea is accepted but adapted to be compatible with the individual's existing beliefs. This explains why specific beliefs become diverse in intensity, from fundamentalism to liberalism. If an idea proves too incompatible with an individuals current worldview, it is either rejected outright or the individual dumps the old worldview to accept the new idea - a process called conversion.
Let it be!

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